
Art Meets Technology to Inspire

Our Focus


At Arttechty, we offer a range of educational programs that combine art and technology to enhance learning and creativity. Through our programs, participants can develop their skills, express their ideas, and gain confidence in their creativity.

Innovation Discovery

Arttechty is committed to pushing the boundaries of art and technology through research and development. Our team of researchers, engineers, and designers work on innovative projects that explore new forms of expression, interaction, and experience.


At Arttechty, we believe that collaboration is key to innovation and creativity. We partner with individuals, organizations, and institutions to foster collaboration and co-creation.

Our Course

Javascript INspiration Programming

JavaScript is a programming language that allows kids to create interactive websites and web applications. It's easy to learn and there are many resources available to help kids get started. Whether they want to build games, animations, or interactive websites, JavaScript is a powerful tool that can inspire and empower kids to express their creativity and bring their ideas to life. With JavaScript, kids can learn new skills, explore their passions, and make their mark in the digital world.

Demo - Shooting Game
Demo - Car Game
Demo - Face puzzle Game

Generative Art with Javascript & P5js

Generative art is an exciting field that combines art with programming. With JavaScript and the P5.js library, kids can create stunning visual designs that are unique and ever-changing. Generative art is created by using algorithms to produce patterns, shapes, and colors that constantly evolve and transform. With P5.js, kids can experiment with different variables and create their own beautiful, dynamic designs. By exploring the possibilities of generative art, kids can develop their programming skills and unleash their creativity in new and exciting ways.

AI Story Class

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing field that has the potential to change the world. In an AI Story Making class for kids, children can learn about the basics of AI and how it works. They can explore how AI is used in various industries and create their own interactive stories using AI tools and platforms. By learning about AI, kids can develop their critical thinking skills and creativity, while also preparing for a future where AI is likely to play a major role in our lives. With AI Story Making classes, kids can tap into their imagination and learn about a fascinating field that is shaping the world around us.

About Us

Welcome to Arttechty, where art meets technology to inspire education, discovery, incubation, and collaboration. We believe that the fusion of art and technology can lead to innovative solutions and meaningful experiences that benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

  • Location: Room Unit B, 12/F, Hang Seng Causeway Bay Building, 28 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, HK.
  • Phone number: 6882-4162
  • Work hours: 9am - 6pm